Headaches & Migraines Treatment From Your Centennial Chiropractor

As your Centennial chiropractor, we offer a variety of treatments that can help you get relief from headaches and migraines. Chiropractic care is particularly effective for tension headaches, which make up approximately 75% of headaches. If you are experiencing headaches or migraines, we encourage you to make an appointment so we can help determine the cause of your headaches, and get you the relief you want and need.

Types of Headaches

The two most common types of headaches are:

Tension Headaches

Most people suffering from a tension headache feel an ache behind the eyes or around the head. Tension headaches tend to build up over the course of a day, and may last for hours or even days. Tension headaches are often caused by misalignment in the cervical spine or lower down the spine. Adjustments from your chiropractor in Aurora can provide substantial relief for most tension headaches by realigning the spine and eliminating the tension that leads to the headache.


Migraines are a more extreme form of headache that is often accompanied by additional symptoms – such as sensitivity to light or nausea. Migraines can last from an hour to several days. Unlike tension headaches, migraines are not typically caused by subluxations in the spine. Instead, they result from constriction and dilation of blood vessels in the brain. It is still not clear why the blood vessels constrict and dilate, but lifestyle changes can help to reduce the occurrence and severity of migraines.

Common Causes and Triggers of Headaches

There are a variety of causes and triggers that can lead to headaches. These vary from person to person, but it can be helpful to have an idea of what they are so you can identify your own triggers. Keeping a diary about your headaches and talking with your chiropractor in Aurora can help you keep track of the things that cause your headaches. Some of these may include:

  • Stress
  • Certain foods or odors
  • Depression or anxiety
  • Nitrites, found in processed meats
  • Toxins and poisons, such as those found in insecticides
  • Tyramine, found in chocolate, fermented foods and ripened cheese

Treatments from Your Chiropractor in Centennial

As your chiropractor in Centennial, we offer several different treatments that can help you minimize or even eliminate your headaches. Some of these include:

Chiropractic Adjustments

Several studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of manual adjustments for tension headaches, particularly those that are caused by neck tension.

Lifestyle Advice

We can examine your daily habits to provide advice on adjustments you can make to avoid headaches. Lifestyle changes may be the best way to minimize migraines.

Massage Therapy

If tension is leading to your headaches, massage can greatly reduce that tension. Massage can also help your adjustments to stay in place, which can help prevent further headaches.

Make an Appointment With Your Aurora Chiropractor

If you are suffering from headaches, please give us a call at 720-708-6890 today to make an appointment with your Aurora chiropractor. We are here to help!